On the Way to Gethsemane
Situation ID: 01-88a
Starts at Matt 26:30
Situation type: forewarning/private discussion
This graph shows the ten most similar situations to the current situations, and the connections between them
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- 04-18a The Unbelief of Christ’s Brothers
- 01-53 Christ’s First Prophecy Concerning His Passion
- 02-27a The Identity of the Son of Man
- 02-34a Jesus Turns Toward Jerusalem
- 02-25 The Leaven of the Pharisees
- 04-26 The Council concerning Christ’s Removal
- 02-45a Jesus Predicts Peter's Denials
- 02-30 The Last Discourses of Christ in Galilee
- 01-86a Jesus Predicts Crucifixion