The Great Missionary Command
Situation ID: 01-96
Starts at Matt 28:16
Situation type: assignment
This graph shows the ten most similar situations to the current situations, and the connections between them
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- 01-81 01-82 01-83 01-84 01-85 The Judgment of God upon Jerusalem and upon the World; The Need of Watchfulness; The Parable of the Ten Virgins; The Parable of the Talents; The Last Judgment
- 01-28 01-29 01-30 01-31 The Commission to the Twelve; The Perils of Apostleship; Fearless Confession of Christ Demanded; Perfect Consecration to Christ
- 03-35 The Mission of the Seventy
- 01-87b The Institution of the Lord’s Supper
- 01-56a Christ Foretells His Passion
- 02-53 The Appearances and the Ascension of Jesus
- 01-27 Continuation of Christ’s Teaching and Healing Ministry
- 01-65 Christ Again Foretells His Passion
- 03-28a The Mission of the Twelve